Saturday, July 14, 2018

My Dream

Last night I dreamed I was back in college. I was taking Latin (which I did take in college) and had done some kind of digital recording and was worried that the recording didn't work properly.

I was also worried about a math professor giving me grief for missing the first few days of class.

I guess some worries stick in your brain and never leave! (I think the dream happened because I was helping a friend's college-student daughter with a writing assignment yesterday.)

There was also something in there about taking a shower in a kind of grubby shower stall in the basement, and I was wondering why the shower in the upstairs bath wasn't working.

Also, in the dream I was concerned that I was getting a cold.

Anyway, the weird thing is that in the dream, my mother was there helping me, advising me, and being generally supportive.

My mother died when I was 10, so she wasn't around when I was in college.

Plus she wasn't a very supportive person.

I guess the dream was basically a form of fantasy wish fulfillment.

A guy I know who does dream interpretation recommends asking three questions:

What title would you give the dream?
What was the theme of the dream?
What question does the dream ask?
What question does the dream answer?

Here are my responses:

What title would you give the dream? College Daze

What was the theme of the dream? Do you best in college; if you don't miss class, you won't need to come up with excuses.

What question does the dream ask? Don't you wish you'd had a supportive mother when you were in college?

What question does the dream answer? You know this stuff (concerns/memories about college and your mother) will never go away, don't you?